Occupational Illness & Injury

Most companies have accurate reporting and recording of occupational injuries

TeleDr can assist companies by reducing the amount of Lost Time Injuries (LTIs).

A TeleDr Call helps the injury data fall - see case study General Health services

TeleDr can assist companies to report occupational illnesses more accurately

Occupational illnesses

  • Remain difficult to recognize.
  • Can occur soon after exposure e.g. chemical poisoning
  • Can occur many years after exposure e.g. lung cancer from asbestos
  • Or after multiple exposures, (e.g. hearing loss after repeated exposure to noise),

TeleDr can assist companies to report occupational illnesses more accurately

Some well-known occupational illnesses include:

  • Asbestosis
  • Black lung (Coalworkers pneumoconiosis)
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (e.g. Poultry industry and data entry employees).

TeleDr assists remote industry to computerise their medical records. TeleDr can deliver accurate health performance indicators using data from its computerised medical records, that reflect how the Company is performing in the health area.